Increasing gender diversity and encouraging women into the tech sector has been a topic in the news for many years, yet women still remain largely under-represented in IT and Tech focused roles.
In the latest Tech Nation 2021 report, 25% of the tech workforce are women and while still disproportionately low, it is encouraging to see that this has grown since 2018 when it was only 19%, which shows momentum in the right direction. Within leadership roles, only 22% of UK tech directors are women, so while we need to encourage more women into the sector, we also need to do more to retain and support women into leadership roles.
We are proud to be a female-led organisation, with our Managing Director, Nicola Saner heading up Chorus and with an even mix of women and men on our board of directors. We know the importance and value of increasing diversity in the workplace and want to encourage more women into the tech industry.
We have interviewed Nicky to share her journey, advice and experience to help put the spotlight on female tech directors – and with the hope to inspire more women into tech and leadership roles.